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How about a warm-up?

 It is commonly assumed that warming-up is mandatory for a good workout and that without it, one will be at an increased risk for injury.  Athletes believe that warming-up is important and that it will lead to a significant reduction of injuries.

Nutrition: (part one)

One of the most important factors in athlete's performance is diet.  Eating a well-balanced diet full of the correct nutrients can add that extra enhancement to help one cross the finish line, or create an additional barrier to success.  Healthy eating affects one's quality of training, and reduces vulnerability to illness or injury, thus, it is very important to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, fat, carbohydrates, proteins and other essential items.

To Stretch or Not to Stretch (Part 1)

Everybody knows that you are supposed to stretch before you workout. Stretching is thought to reduce the likelihood of injuries and many assume that stretching is a necessary component of a workout. People are always being told that they mustn't forget to stretch, lest they suffer from muscle strain and a great deal of pain, if they do not stretch before engaging in physical activity.  The question is, is stretching really helping our bodies or is this just a myth that desperately needs revision?


No. 1: Sports Injury Prevention Tips



Sports help keep our bodies fit and feel good about ourselves. However, there are some important injury prevention tips that can help promote a safe, optimal sports experience. All sports have a risk of injury. In general, the more contact in a sport, the greater the risk of injury.


Whenever highly talented, motivated and well – trained athletes meet in competition, the margin between victory and defeat is small.  Attention to detail can make that vital difference. Diet affects performance, and our eating and drinking patterns will influence how well athletes train and whether they compete at their best.  All athletes need to be aware of their personal nutritional goals and of how they can select the best eating strategy to meet those goals.

What you need to know about protein

This is the second article in a series of articles on nutrition.  This article will discuss nutrition goals, with a focus on proteins.


Every athlete will attest to the notion that protein is an important part of his or her diet. Whereas in the past, Olympians would gorge large amounts of proteins in order to achieve maximal physical results, today's athlete is more likely to eat large quantities of meat, in addition to a diet that includes various protein supplements.  Scientists will often debate how much protein or meat athletes should be eating on a regular basis.  Many scientists are concerned about whether or not our athletes are meeting their protein goals, working out precise calculations in order to achieve that exact amount that will lead our athletes to the finish line.  The question is, are athletes even meeting these protein goals at all, and if so, how much protein should be a part of their daily diets?

We are what we eat – Nutrition (Part 1)

This article is the first of a six part series that will focus on nutrition, and will hopefully provide athletes with the necessary tools they need to achieve their goals. The topics I hope to cover include nutrition goals and eating strategies, proteins and carbohydrates, hydration and finally the controversial issue surrounding supplement intake.


In this article, I wish to address the four most common types of sports injuries: Sprains, Strains, Tears and Fractures (SSTF). The most frequent sports injuries are sprains and strains, caused when an abnormal stress is placed on ligaments, and muscles. Only about 5 percent of sports injuries involve broken bones (fractures). Let's delve into each of these in slightly more detail:

Hydrate your life – Part 1

This article is the fifth article in a series of articles on nutrition and will focus on hydration.


All of our lives we are constantly told to stay hydrated.  Living in Israel, especially, people are very aware of the need to stay hydrated, to constantly be drinking enough water, lest their bodies suffer from dehydration. If the general public is cognizant about this issue, then how much more so do athletes need to be aware of the importance of staying hydrated. 

How to treat acute injuries……

If you suffer an injury such as a sprain, strain or muscle tear, immediate first aid can prevent complications and help you heal faster. When an injury occurs, the damaged area may bruise, swell or bleed (externally or internally) and become inflamed. Healing occurs as the damaged tissue is replaced by collagen, perhaps better known as scar tissue. In most cases, the tissue needs complete repair before you can return to sports.

Common Sports Injuries (Part 2)

Last week, whilst discussing common sports injuries (part 1), I briefly covered the head, shoulder, elbow and back. In today's article (part 2), I wish to discuss the knee, leg and foot. At the outset, I would like to reiterate that this is by no means a comprehensive review, but merely serves as a guide to the more common injuries per body part.

Common Sports Injuries (Part 1)

Last week I discussed the four most common types of sports injuries: Sprains, Strains, Tears and Fractures. In today's article (part 1.), I wish to discuss the most common injuries. At the outset, I would like to reiterate that this is by no means a comprehensive review, but merely serves as a guide to the more common injuries per body part.



You Can't Go Wrong with Carbohydrates

This is the third article in a series of articles on the subject of nutrition.  In the past two articles I introduced the topic of nutrition and expanded upon the subject of proteins.  I discussed how small amounts of high-quality protein combined with carbohydrates have been found to have a significant impact on the body's protein synthesis, much more so than just eating large amounts of proteins.  It is with this information in mind that will start our discussion on carbohydrates, a poorly understood subject that has a bad reputation. 


Sports Injury Prevention Tips

Sports help keep our bodies fit and feel good about ourselves. However, there are some important injury prevention tips that can help promote a safe, optimal sports experience. All sports have a risk of injury. In general, the more contact in a sport, the greater the risk of injury.

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