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סטטוס מקצועי 


  • מנהל, המכון לרפואת ספורט ירושלים, מרכז ספורט לרנר, הר הצופים, ירושלים, ישראל

  • עורך לענייני פיזיותרפיה, כתב העת הישראלי לארתרוסקופיה

  • יועץ לרפואת ספורט, ליגת דגל פוטבול אמריקאי בישראל

  • חבר ועד העורכים הבין לאומיים בכתב עת היוקרתי JOSPT


  • פיזיותרפיסט: קבוצת כדורסל מכבי מעלה אדומים 

  • מרצה אורח בכנסים בנושאי רפואת ספורט​

  • חוקר בענייני רפואת ספורט

רקע אקדמי

2007- 2015 · דוקטורט, אוניברסיטת גנט, בלגיה

2010- 2011 · קורס שנתי, אפידמיולוגיה / ביוסטטיסטיקה, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, ישראל

1989 - קורס שנתי באורתופדיה רפואית, אוניברסיטת Witwatersrand, דרום אפריקה

1987-1990 ·  תואר שני. רפואת ספורט, אוניברסיטת Witwatersrand, דרום אפריקה

1982-1986 ·  תואר ראשון (פיזיותרפיה) (בהצטיינות): אוניברסיטת קייפ טאון, דרום אפריקה



האגודה הישראלית לפיזיותרפיה

החברה הישראלית לרפואת ספורט

האגודה האוסטרלית לפיזיותרפיה

חבר הנבחר: מועצה אירופאית של שיקום ספורט



· Director, Jerusalem Sports Medicine Institute, Lerner Sports Center, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel


· Director, Jerusalem Physiotherapy Clinic, Ezra Umarpe, Mekor Baruch, Jerusalem


· Physiotherapy Editor, Israeli Journal of Arthroscopy Orthopedic & Related Sports Injuries


· Consultant Physiotherapist , American Flag Football League in Israel


· Reviewer: Journal of Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,

                        Journal of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice , SPORTSHEALTH

    Physiotherapist: Maccabi Maaleh Adumim basketball team


·   International editorial board:  Journal of orthopedic Sports Physiotherapy (JOSPT)

                                                      International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine (IJSEM)

                                                      International Journal of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation 






2007- 2015      · PhD, Ghent University, Belgium

2010- 2011      ·  Year course, Epidemiology/ Biostatistics,  Tel-Aviv University, Israel

1989              ·  1-Year course in Orthopedic Medicine, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

1987-1990      ·  MSc. (Med): University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

1982-1986      ·  BSc.(Physiotherapy)(Hons): University of Cape Town, South Africa





  • Israeli Society of Physiotherapy

  • Israeli Society of  Sports Medicine

  • Australian Society of Physiotherapy

  • Elected member: European Board of Sports Rehabilitation




2021: Participant, IOC Advanced Team Physician Course, Istanbul, Turkey  

2021: PresenterWorld congress of sports injury prevention, Monte Carlo

2021: Co-organiser:   ISAKOS Congress 2021: Sports Rehabilitation Concurrent Course

November 27-28, 2021

  Lectures: What we learnt from our post-Doc studies

               Rehab After PF Instability Surgery

2019:             Presenter, ISAKOS congress, Mexico


2018              Invited panel participant, Physiotherapy course, ESSKA conference, Glasgow


                      Presenter, Australian Congress of Sports Medicine, Perth - Australia

2017              Participant, IOC Advanced Team Physician Course, Anatalya, Turkey  


                      Presenter, World congress of Physiotherapy, Cape Town


2016              Participant, First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern


                      Presenter, Australian Sports Medicine Congress


                      Chairman: 1st Israeli Return to Sport Symposium


                      Presenter ESSKA conference, Barcelona, Spain


                      Presenter Israeli Physiotherapy conference


                      Presenter, Israeli Sports Medicine Conference


2015              Presenter, Israeli Physiotherapy Conference


                       Presenter, ISAKOS conference, Lyon, France


2014               Presenter,   ESSKA congress, Amsterdam, Holland


                       Workshop Presenter, World congress of sports injury prevention, Monte Carlo


                       Invited lecturer, Universities of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia


                       Presenter, Israeli Orthopedic Conference                       


                       Presenter, Israeli Rehabilitation Conference


                        Presenter, Israeli Physiotherapy Conference


2013                Presenter, Israeli Hip and Knee society  Congress, Eilat 


                        Presenter, ISAKOS Conference, Toronto, Canada

                        Presenter, Israeli Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine,

                        Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Conferences


                        Presenter, Australian Congress of Sports Medicine, Thailand


2012                Presenter, World Sports Trauma Congress, London


                        Presenter, Israeli Orthopedic Congres


                        Presenter, ESSKA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland


                        Presenter, Israeli Physiotherapy Conference


 2011                Presenter, ISAKOS conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


                        Presenter, World Conference of Physical Therapy, Amsterdam, Holland


                        Workshop presenter, World congress of Sports Injury Prevention, Monaco


                         ·  Invited Guest Lecturer, Groningen Sports Medicine Symposium, Holland

                         · Co-Chair, Lecturer, 27th Jerusalem International Sports Symposium

 2010               · Co-chairman: 26th  Jerusalem International            Sports Medicine Symposium

                         · Session Chairman and Presenter. ESSKA, 2010 

 2009              · Scientific Committee, Panel Chairman and Presenter: 25th Jerusalem

                         · International Sports Medicine Symposium 

                         · Presenter, World Rehabilitation Conference (ISPRM), Istanbul,  Turkey  

                         · Elected National Committee Member and Spokesperson, Israeli Society of Sports                                    Medicine 

                         · Presenter, Australian Congress of Science and Medicine in Sport

2008               · Presenter, ESSKA Conference, Portugal

                         · Presenter, IFOMT Conference, Holland

                         · Presenter, World Sports Prevention Congress, Norway

                         · Presenter, European Society for Movement Analysis, Sept, Turkey

                         · Presenter, Australian Congress of Science and Medicine in Sport

                         · Invited lecturer, European Federation of Sport Traumatology (EPOST)

                         · Invited lecturer, European Conference of Sports Rehabilitation

                         · Elected member, European Board of Sports Rehabilitation

2007               · Workshop Presenter, World Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), S. Korea      

                           Panel Chairman, and Presenter, World Congress Physical Therapy, Canada          

                          · Presenter, World Congress of Science in Soccer and Football (WCSF),  Turkey

2006                · Presenter, European Congress of Sports Medicine ( ESSKA), Austria           

                         · Best Poster Prize, Israeli-International Orthopedic Association Conference

2005               · Conference Organizer, Physiotherapy section, Jerusalem International Sports                                        Medicine Congress, Israel                              

                         · Lecturer, Israeli National Physical Therapy Congress.           

                         · Lecturer,International Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine,Tel-aviv                             

                         · Lecturer, Israeli Evidence-Based Physiotherapy Practice                             

                         · Presenter, Israeli-International Orthopedic Association Conference.         

                         · Presenter, World Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine (ISPRM),  Sao Paulo, Brazil          

                         · Invited lecturer: Week–long course -"Sports Medicine Update – from research

                           to clinical practice", Clinical Solutions Ltd, South Africa          

                         · Presenter, World Congress of Sports Medicine (FIMS), Beijing, China. 

2003                · Presenter, World Congress of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Barcelona, Spain          

                          · Presenter, International Federation of Manipulative Therapists (IFOMT), Cape                                     Town, South Africa  




Kaplan Y. Kinesiotaping: Does it really work? BJSM, 2021

Kaplan Y, Witvrouw E. When is  it Safe to Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction? Reviewing the Criteria.   Sports Health. 2019 Jul/Aug;11(4):301-305. doi: 10.1177/1941738119846502. Epub 2019 May 28.


Kaplan Y et al. Return to sport after injury: Guidelines for shared decision making. Israeli Physiotherapy Journal, 2018:24(8)

Kaplan Y, Lipp B. The effectiveness of aquatic vertical traction on lower back pain: A narritive literature review. J Am Aquatic Association, July, 2015


kaplan Y, Brown J. Barefoot running vs. shoe running: Are there clinical implications? Israeli Physiotherapy Journal. 2015;17:(1)

Kaplan Y, Myklebust G, Nyska M, Palmanovich E, Victor J, Witvrouw E. Injuries can be prevented in contact flag football!  Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Sep 11.

Kaplan Y, Spieler N. The Use of a Weight-bearing Biofeedback System as an Adjunct in Rehabilitation Following a Simultaneous Bilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Case Study Report”.  J Sports Med Doping Stud 4:145

Kaplan Y, Nyska M, Palmanovich E, Shanker R. Clinical Implications of Changing Parameters on an Elliptical Trainer. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2014 2: DOI: 10.1177/2325967114535553

Kaplan Y. Barefoot versus shoe running: from the past to the present. Phys Sportsmed. 2014 Feb;42(1):30-5. doi: 10.3810/psm.2014.02.2045.

Kaplan Y. Return to sport following total hip arthroplasty(THA): do we all agree? Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr;48(7):615. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.150.  

Kaplan Y, Witvrouw E, Myklebust G, Nyska M, Plamanovich E, Victor J. Injuries can be prevented in contact flag football! Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr;48(7):615-6. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.151.

Kaplan Y, Barak Y, Palmonovich E, Nyska M, Witvrouw E. Referent body weight values in over ground walking, over ground jogging, treadmill jogging, and elliptical exercise. Gait Posture. 2014 Jan;39(1):558-62. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.09.004. 

Kaplan Y. Myklebust G. Nyska M. Palmanovich E. Victor J. Witvrouw E. The prevention of injuries in contact flag football. Knee Surg Traumatol Arthrosc, 2012;1-7.

Kaplan Y. Myklebust G. Nyska M. Palmanovich E. Victor J. Witvrouw E. The epidemiology of Injuries in contact flag football . Clinical J Sport Medicine 2013; 23(1):39-44


Thomee R. Kaplan Y. Werner S. Wondrasch B. Witvrouw E. Tsepis I. Risberg MA. Myklebust G. Melegati G. Kvist J. Muscle function recommendations for return to sports after  ACL  reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2011.

Kaplan Y. A narrative literature review of individuals with ACL deficient knees identified as copers and non-copers.  J Orthop Sports Phys Ther,2011;41(10):758-766. 


Kaplan Y.  Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation.  ACL Injured Copers and Non-Copers: A differential response to Injury: Springer-Verlag      Berlin Heidelberg 2011.Pg. 53-60. 

Kaplan Y, Barak Y, Spieler N. Anterior cruciate ligament tear. Copers VS non-copers: Different attitudes to the injury. Israeli J Arthr Ortho & related Sports Injuries.    Dec 2010, 1:30-35.

Kaplan Y. The use of a new biofeedback insole weight-bearing measuring device in the assessment and rehabilitation of soccer players: A case study review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2007, Suppl. 10 S30-S43.

Kaplan Y. The prevention of non-contact injuries in soccer: A systematic literature review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2007 Suppl. 10.


Kaplan Y. Deep vein thrombosis and the athlete: A case study. Int J Disabil Hum Dev. 2008;7(1):107-9.
Kaplan Y. Ankle sprain update, S.A. Journal of Sports Medicine. Oct 1998, 3 :3,18-21.    

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